What is Technopreneur (Apa itu Teknopreneur)?
Belakangan ini marak penggunaan istilah baru di Indonesia dalam bidang teknologi, bisnis, akademik, dan di pemerintahan, yaitu istilah "Teknopreneur" (atau Technopreneur dalam bahasa Inggris). Kalau dilihat dari beberapa contoh kasus, sepertinya ini istilah yang positif. Tapi kalau saya cari definisinya di kamus besar bahasa Indonesia, terminologi teknopreneur belum terdaftar. Jadi, apa itu teknopreneur? Akhirnya saya coba cari definisinya dari berbagai sumber, dan hasilnya ada di bawah ini. Semoga bermanfaat:
http://blog.bitcomet.com/post/18430/ :
Technopreneur is come from 2 words Technologhy and Entrepreneur. It means a business that using technology as their business model.This term only use by Asian countries especially Malaysia and Singapore.
http://www.rajeshshakya.com/what-is-technopreneurship.htm :
A technoprenuer is an entrepreneur who is technology savvy, creative, innovative, dynamic, dares to be different and take the unexplored path, and very passionate about their work. They take challenges and strive to lead their life with greater success. They don’t fear to fail. They take failure as a learning experience, a stimulator to look things differently and stride for next challenge. Technoprenuers continuously go through an organic process of continual improvement and always try to redefine the dynamic digital economy.
http://chanluie2010.blogspot.com/2010/07/it-elective_13.html :
What is technopreneur?
The one who is brave enough to operate, to manage, to own and to take the risk of operating any legal form of business through the aid of technology known to man. The one who manages all the factors of production to carry on with production. But as time pass by, the purview of the word “technopreneur” changed dramatically and became a comprehensive word that signifies a lot of different aspects and forms of business.
http://kevincrisramos.blogspot.com/2010/08/reflection-about-story-of-pirates-of.html :
It is come from two words Technology and Entrepreneur. It means a business that using technology as their business model. They don't fear to fail. They take failure as a learning experience, a stimulator to look things differently and stride for next challenge. Technoprenuers continuously go through an organic process of continual improvement and always try to redefine the dynamic digital economy. People are really struggling for survival but they don't know that the stuffs that could save them from annihilation and broke is just beside them. Yes just beside them, they only need a computer and an internet connection.
But how it could it is so? Can you see dollars around you? Can you earn money for your future or even at this early moment? You know how to earn home base? Can technology help me or to help you to earn some money?
http://www.associatedcontent.com/article/369728/what_is_technopreneurship.html :
A technoprenuer is an entrepreneur who is technology savvy, creative, innovative, dynamic, dares to be different and take the unexplored path, and very passionate about their work. They take challenges and strive to lead their life with greater success. They don't fear to fail. They take failure as a learning experience, a stimulator to look things differently and stride for next challenge. Technoprenuers continuously go through an organic process of continual improvement and always try to redefine the dynamic digital economy.
Technology and entrepreneurial skills are driving many economies to prosperity. The most famous of them all is, Bill Gates, who makes Microsoft a household name all over the world. Steve Jobs - well known for his innovations. iPod - most carried gadget by young population. Look at the success of Google - brain child of Sergey Brin and Larry Page. Who don't know Google?
Technopreneurship is not a product but a process of synthesis in engineering the future of a person, an organization, a nation and the world. In a digital, knowledge based society, strategic directions or decision-making processes will be demanding and complex. This requires tertiary level and professional development programs and training to produce strategic thinkers who will have the skills to succeed in a dynamically changing global environment. Traditional educational programs, however, lack the methodology to transform today's students into creative, innovative, visionary global leaders who understand the importance of technopreneurship.
Yudha Pratomo, Utilization of Human Virtual Intelligence Framework in Managing Technopreneur Knowledge, Faculty of Computer Science,University of Sriwijaya, Jurnal Generic 2010 :
The terminology of technology entrepreneur or ‘technopreneur’ is used to describe the combination between pure technologist and traditional business people. There is a significant difference between an entrepreneur and a technopreneur, with the latter having an advantage on the mastery of the technology element besides possessing good business acumen.
Technopreneurs are people who make or found their own technology-based business by recognizing opportunities and organizing resources. They are owner, manager, leader, or founder of an organization. They make decisions and take consequences on every aspect within the organization. The typical of technology entrepreneurs are technology minded, risk taker, leader / organizer. They are busy people with very limited time. They have to do many things in many areas of knowledge. To do such things, they need to prepare themselves with the abilities to make use of available information to make strategic decisions. They also have to learn very fast to accommodate the chaotic changes in market trends and conditions.
Chua Eng Hwa, An Action Learning Journey of a Technopreneur in Creating, Sustaining and Growing a World Class Knowledge-Based Teaching Organisation in Factory Automation in the 21st Century, July 2009 :
A Technopreneur is an extension of an entrepreneur, and makes use of technology to make a new invention and innovation and thereby exploits his achievement in the market to make money. What differentiates a Technopreneur from any other businessman is the way a Technopreneur operates his business (Milton-Smith 1999; Verburg 2005). His business is generally marked with a high growth potential and high leverage of knowledge and intellectual property. Technopreneurs are technically conversant and able to spot opportunities in high tech or high value added products and processes. It is the Technopreneurs who have successfully invented or commercialized many of the innovations we have today. The writer concurs from his Actions-Observations-and-Reflections (A-O-R) that the critical three core qualities that a Technopreneur must possess to be successful are vision, a never-die-spirit and an innovative mind.
http://oxforddictionaries.com/view/entry/m_en_gb0848750#m_en_gb0848750 :
(especially in South and SE Asia) a person who sets up a business concerned with computers or similar technology.
Teknopreneur adalah penamaan bagi entrepreneur yang mengembangkan bisnis berdasarkan kemampuan dalam berinovasi dan memanfaatkan ilmu pengetahuan serta teknologi sebagai basis.
Teknopreneur adalah seorang entrepenur yang menggunakan aspek teknologi sebagai keunggulannya.
Mereka yang disebut teknopreneur adalah seorang “Entrepreneur Modern” yang berbasis teknologi. Inovasi dan kreativitas sangat mendominasi mereka untuk menghasilkan produk yang unggulan sebagai dasar pembangunan ekonomi bangsa berbasis pengetahuan (Knowledge Based Economic).( Nasution, Arman Hakim et al, 2007)
Teknopreneur adalah pengusahan yang membangun bisnisnya berdasarkan keahliannya di bidang ilmu pengetahuan dan teknologi, dan menghasilkan prosuk inovatif yang berguna tidak hanya bagi dirinya, tetapi bagi kesejahteraan bangsa dan negaranya.
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